
We will be in facebook to let you chooce for other channel of communication

2014 Version

We have released the 2014 version of InfoStat. In addition to several cosmetic changes, the code was migrated to the XE4 version of Delphi
to keep our development tool. We have worked on better integration with R and the tools for generating reports.

Update of developing tools

Hemos migrado el código InfoStat a la nueva versión de Delphi XE2. Esta migración se facilitará en el futuro la liberación de las aplicaciones multi-plataforma, así como la integración con las nuevas versiones de Windows.

More than 20k

In the month of June (2011) and before the second anniversary of the liberation of the student version, we have surpassed the 20,000 activations that version. Thousands of students have benefited from this initiative. Our hopes for a better understanding of statistical principle in our region is on right track.

Development platform update

InfoStat 2011 will be based on the new Delphi. Delphi XE.


We started the e-comer service to give you more options...

10k activations of student version

Before the first anniversary since the launch of the free student version we have 10k InfoStat activations. This result reinforces our commitment to the project and our desire to continue working for the continuous improvement of this software.